Campus Annoucements |Illinois faculty featured in Smarter Brains on PBS


Art Kramer, director of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Edward McAuley, Beckman faculty member and professor of kinesiology and community health, and Gillian Cooke, Beckman postdoctoral researcher, are featured in “Smarter Brains,” a program airing on WILL-TV at 9 pm Wednesday, August 21. (The program also airs 1 pm Sat, Aug. 17; 1 am Sun, Aug. 18; 1 pm Mon, Aug. 19; and 3:30 am Wed, August 21.) The program explores the amazing science behind human intelligence and how it shapes enjoyment of the world around us. Using inspirational stories, computer-generated illustrations and interviews with researchers and experts, the program shows how all of us can use everyday techniques and skills to keep ourselves smart, active, and vibrant throughout our lives. Continue.