Archive for March, 2017

Ehlers Accepts New Position

Diane Ehlers, an American Cancer Society Post-Doctoral Fellow in the EPL, recently accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina.


Congratulations, Diane!

EPL Alum Takes New Position


Curt Lox, an EPL Alumnus and currently the Dean of the School of Education, Health & Human Behavior at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has accepted a new position.  He will become the Dean of the Brooks College of Health at the University of North Florida in July.

Congratulations and the best of luck to Curt!

Presented to a current Undergraduate Research Assistant who has demonstrated the EDDIE qualities of Excellence, Dedication, Diligence, Integrity, and Efficiency in the Exercise Psychology Lab.

Students who have been chosen to be members of the EPL research team have already shown themselves to be exemplary students in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health.  The recipient of this award, presented on a regular basis throughout the academic year, has been chosen because actions demonstrated in recent weeks exemplify the EDDIE qualities that help make the EPL a success.


The EDDIE Award goes to: Caroline Walsh

…for her enthusiasm, dedication and diligence with EPL protocols, and warmth and friendliness with all research participants

Keep up the great work, Caroline!